
SAHMRI becomes part of the AEP Hub network

February 22, 2023
AEP Team
From L-R: Prof. Graeme Jackson, AEP Chief Investigator, Dr Michelle Kiley AM, Director of Epilepsy Services, CALHN and Lead Epileptologist AEP South Australia, Martin Adams, Chair of the Florey Board, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and Prof. Steve Wesselingh, Executive Director SAHMRI

This week marked the opening of the first interstate AEP Hub with SAHMRI - South Australia’s independent not-for-profit health and medical research institute - joining the network.

South Australians living with epilepsy will now be able to get referred into the hub for advanced testing, free of charge, as part of their participation in the AEP.

“Enabling Adelaide’s medical research sector to engage with national initiatives like the AEP is a key reason that SAHMRI’s Clinical Trials Platform exists,” says Karen Best, Director, SAHMRI Clinical Trials Platform.

“We’re proud to be able to help at all stages of the project’s SA-based activities, from coordinating patient enrolment to making connections for diagnostic testing at facilities like the SAHMRI-based Clinical Research Imaging Centre.”

From L-R: Amanda Anderson, Lived Experience Ambassador and Particpant Lead, Robyn Wakefield, CEO, The Epilepsy Centre SA & NT, Ned and Carolyn Travers, Lived Experience Ambassadors, South Australia and Erin Thompson, Member for Davenport

The AEP (Australian Epilepsy Project) is a multi-year research project at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health that is enabling people living with epilepsy to have access to advanced MRI scans, genetic analysis and cognitive testing.

Professor Graeme Jackson, the AEP’s Chief Investigator, says the ultimate aim of the AEP is to improve the standard of care and change the lives of people with epilepsy.

“Epilepsy is a life-long condition and we need life-long solutions,” says Professor Jackson.

“Using algorithms, imaging and rich data we can extract insights to predict patterns in epilepsy and create individualised treatment plans for patients. This is an exciting new standard of care that we’ll be able to offer people living with epilepsy.”

Now people in South Australia as well as Victoria will be able to attend local hubs as part of their AEP journey with referrals from Queensland and New South Wales set to open from mid-2023.

Find out more about becoming an AEP participant on our participants page.

Ask an Epilepsy Expert: How is epilepsy diagnosed?

We've launched our Ask an Epilepsy Expert series where our AEP team answer common questions about epilepsy. In episode 1, AEP imaging Lead, Dr David Vaughan answers the question: how is epilepsy diagnosed?

AEP Participant: Kylie Staats shares her story

Hi, my name is Kylie Staats, I’m 37 years old and I have had epilepsy for almost my entire life. I had my first seizure when I was four years old, and at that time, nobody knew why it was happening.

AEP Volunteer: Luke Wolfe

Meet Luke Wolfe, a recent volunteer for the AEP’s control group. Earlier this year, his close friend experienced her first seizure and was subsequently diagnosed with epilepsy. Watching her navigate this new diagnosis and its impact on her life left him wondering if there was a more proactive way he could help, other than offering care and support.